planning your funeral now to spare your family the pain
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planning your funeral now to spare your family the pain

Have you thought about your funeral wishes? Is cremation an option you have considered? What will a funeral cost? Is it cheaper to choose cremation? Can you plan and pay for your funeral in advance? How do you tell your family what your wishes are? Is there a way to make your passing easier on your family? Visit my website to learn what I did to ensure that my family will have very little to be concerned with when I pass away. Hopefully, it will help you decide what plans to make now, so that your family can focus on grieving their loss in the future.

planning your funeral now to spare your family the pain

  • Plan A Small Open House For Your Husband Who Was Cremated

    13 May 2020

    During this Covid-19 pandemic, some states aren't even allowing funerals to take place at this time. Maybe your husband expressed that he wanted to be cremated long before this worldwide crisis occurred. Perhaps your husband died of Covid-19 or from another illness. No matter the cause of death, if you are planning a cremation funeral service, you might be having to rethink what you would have done under different circumstances.

  • Why Cremation Might Be The Best Option

    20 August 2019

    If you have just recently experienced the passing of a loved one and you are in charge of putting together all of the funeral arrangements, you will find that you are provided with the option of cremation. While many people still opt for a standard burial, many more are discovering the benefits of selecting the cremation services. If you do not happen to be very familiar with cremation and why it can be a good choice, you will want to continue reading.

  • Are You Planning a Graveside Service?

    13 May 2019

    Are you planning a graveside service for a close family member? It might be that you are planning the funeral service for a dear friend who has no relatives to take care of that important event. If this is the case, you likely feel very sad for their passing but you feel equally honored that you were chosen to plan this service for your friend.  No matter who passed away, have you decided on having only a graveside service?

  • How To Help Your Loved One Cope With A Death In The Family

    8 November 2018

    Knowing that death is inevitable is one thing, but actually dealing with the death of a loved one is quite another. There's nothing that can prepare a person for the death of a close relative. Although you can't fix their pain or bring their loved one back, you can help in other ways. Here are four things you can do to help someone you love cope with the death of a family member:

  • Respect And Honor Your Loved One By Choosing Cremation And A Personalized Service

    26 September 2018

    Imagine choosing to have a family member buried just just to find out down the road that you are going to be moving out of state. This could cause distress, not being able to visit your loved one at their final resting spot and having a casket and gravestone moved might be costly and impossible to attain. If the recently-deceased didn't address their final wishes, it makes perfect sense to select cremation and to plan an honorary ceremony.